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Fallen Series Review

Fallen By Lauren Kate

Overview Of First Book (Spoiler Free):

This Book starts off similar to many fantasy books I've read in which theres a main character (in this case Luce more formally known as Lucinda) that slowly comes to realize their not normal or things around them aren't particularly normal. In Luce's case, she has been tormented by the shadows her entire life. And she most recently fell responsible for something horrible that everyone thinks she caused. Because of this she was sent to a "special boarding school" where she would be administered as a patient of some sort. But she quickly realizes there something weird about the school and some of the people who attend it. And when she meets a guy named Daniel, she can't seem to shake the feeling that she knows him from somewhere but he keeps suggesting she's thinking of someone else. Eventually the secrets unfold and Luce slowly learns all about what Daniel and some of the others are, as well as the curse that was bestowed upon them. This is further developed in the next three books.

"Only an impossible love can be eternal; some angels are destined to fall"

How I Found Out About The Series:

I Found out about this series through the movie that was produced. I remember I was looking for something to watch that would satisfy my fantasy movie desires while still keeping in touch with some mundane tendencies like romance and stuff and I had found the movie Fallen. Throughout the movie I was pretty engaged only because my options were so limited that day and there was one or two plot twist points that I enjoyed. However, I absolutely hated the ending so much. I remember watching the ending as it was almost over and thinking to myself if this is how they end the damn movie... and then they did! Just like that! I was super disappointed and I wanted to know what was going to happen. I made sure no more movies were made about the books or were going to be made and turns out there weren't any. I found out they had a series out and that it was supposed to be a New York Times Best Seller. So I picked up the books and proceeded to read them.

My Opinion On the Series:

Compared to the last series I read (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) this series was not too impressive to me. Overall there was a lot of pining going on. And I mean some pining is always good but Luce is always whining and daydreaming over Daniel and it gets old fast (at least for me it did). I found myself annoyed with Luce at times and she seemed very childish for the things she went through and experienced in the book. In terms of content and plot from book to book, I remember the first book was alright the second one was alright and then the third book is where I started having to really force myself to push through. I felt like for the entirety of the third book I was just waiting for Luce to make her way back to Daniel and to stop dilly dallying doing what she was doing at that point. I found it really frustrating and I was constantly wondering when the actual story would continue so I could figure out how it all ended. But once I got through the third book the fourth book was better like the first and second one were. I did kind of see the initial part of the ending coming though; it wasn't that much of a shock. However the ending, ending, now that caught me a little off guard and I wasn't expecting things to escalate to the level they did with the curse. But overall Lauren Kate did a decent job finishing off the books and giving the reader closure but I almost wish there was a little more. I was still craving a little last hurrah but I didn't really feel like I was ever actually sated.

If you think you are interested based on what you now know, read the books and drop down a comment :)

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