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Lady Midnight - The Dark Artifices Book 1 Review

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

I can't wait to get into taking to you guys about Lady Midnight. Finally after reading the Mortal Instruments which set such a high book standard to me followed by the Fallen series which I didn't find that great, Cassandra Clare has done it again and has provided me with a great book to quench my fantasy thirst.

You should definitely read The Mortal Instruments series first

"This book takes place after The Mortal Instruments finishes so the characters and the themes overlap. You will appreciate certain characters mentioned way more, and have a better understanding of everything thats happening as a whole throughout the book"

Book Overview (Spoiler Free):

Like stated above, the book takes place after The Mortal Instruments series and those books should be read first so I am not going to dumb down the termenology of this book because if you haven't read the previous series I STRONGLY do not reccoment you read this first. Basically it takes place where the previous series takes off with the main, main, characters being Emma and Julian. They have siblings and other people who are constantly in the story but these two are kind of what it all revolves around. Emma and Julian became parabati in order to stay together after the cold peace was put into place and they are moved to an institute in Los Angeles. One of their secrets finds its way out and their entire worlds are thrown onto their heads. Julian is left to not only secretly run the institute for his crazy uncle due to his parents both being killed in the cold war; one of which was by his hand, but he is also forced to deal with someone who is jeopardizing his family, someone who unexpectedly came back into their lives that they never thought they'd see again only that he is very different, and carry the immense burden of a decision he made that could potentially destroy his entire family. Leaving him and Emma to choose between selfishness and selflessness.

How I found Out About This Book:

Compared to how I've found out about other books I've read, this one was pretty uninteresting finding out wise. I didn't see a TV show or movie or anything like that. I knew about this book because I had read The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare and I knew that they basically continued the story of the shadowhunters world that I loved starting off where the last series ended.

Cassandra Clare offers even more closure to The Mortal Instruments series in this book! (even though Cassandra Clare already did a phenomenal job closing the previous series leaving us with little to wonder about.

"She goes on to mention what happened to the characters from The Mortal Instruments throughout this book after the last series ended; even still incorporating some of the characters grown up in this book with their own important roles"

My Opinions On The Book:

Im incredibly happy with this book. I read it over one weekend, and that says a lot by the number of pages it has (its a pretty thick book). I just flew through it eating up every morsel that was thrown at me. I am so in love with the characters especially Julian and Emma and the whole situation they have found themselves in. Cassandra Clare really knows how to play up on the forbidden romances yet finds new ways to write about it without it being the same old, same old. Personally I felt like Julian and Emma personality wise were not entirely super original from other characters Cassandra Clare has created. I felt like she took Jace from The Mortal Instruments and put him in Emma's body in Lady Midnight, and like she took Clary and put her into Julian. But technically they still had things that were individual to just them that I can appreciate. (also the fact I feel like that personality swap happened between these books does not make me mad at all. Personally I enjoyed watching the roles being revered especially as these characters find themselves in a completely different type of dilemma compared to Jace and Clary from The Mortal Instruments. The end of Lady Midnight had me SHOOOOKKKK. I remember putting it down and being like no way..... did Mark really just say that to Emma... I honestly was just so like excited but in a guilty way because it wasn't really something I supported, just something juicy that would make the second book quite interesting.

Closing Thoughts:

I am Currently reading the second book in The Dark Artifices series called Lord of Shadows and its just as good so far. I will be posting a review for it later on once I finish it. I am also aware that I have still not read The Infernal Devices which is basically the story before not only this series but the series before that. I was originally going to read that immediately after reading The Mortal Instruments but things happened and I ended up reading Lady Midnight first. Now im going to have to endure a grueling wait after I finish Lord Of Shadows while I wait for Cassandra Clare to publish the final book in the series :(

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