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The Mortal Instruments Review

What my thoughts are on the books written by the blessed Cassandra Clare.

The Mortal Instruments By Cassandra Clare

Book One Overview (Spoiler Free):

This series is based around a girl named Clarissa; Clary for short. She always assumed she was just a normal person with normal parents like everyone else, and with good reason. However, when weird things start happening to her and she runs into someone named Jace one night when she was out and about whom her best friend Simon just so happens can't see, the story starts to slowly unfold and reveal itself. Then Clary finds her mom goes missing and when she goes back to her apartment in manhattan to investigate, she is confronted with something terrifying that attacks her and leaves her unconscious. When she awakes, she is thrusted into a entirely new world and surprise, surprise, Jace is there. Although it feels like its an entirely new world for Clary, this secret world and many others have coexisted with the rest of the mundane world unnoticed to all except those who were born with whats known as "the sight". She finds out Jace and many others are whats known as Shadowhunters; more formally called Nephilim. They have the blood of angels running through their veins and possess the ability to bear whats called runes on their skin. These runes temporarily give them abilities to use during or after combat. Some of the most common runes you will get to know are iratzes - which are temporary, quickly fading healing runes. You will discover Parabati runes - these unlike iratzes are permanent and they serve as a promise to fight and devote your life to protecting your partner. They are not common amongst the shadowhunters because once you choose your parabati you can never unchoose them and if your parabati dies you die. But don't be mistaken parabati are not meant to be for all best friends or all siblings; its a different type of bond with a different type of love that is shared. Parabati are also forbidden to love each other the way a man loves a woman he wants to marry because it interferes with what the bond means and can cause many problems. But overall Shadowhunters jobs are to protect humanity from the demon world without ever letting the human world know that any of this stuff exists. "All the stories are true".

Quick Opinion Statement:

"Its what got me out of my previous reading slump, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy. I was presented with many twists and unexpected plot turns that left me delighted."

How I Found Out About The Series, And My Experience:

I originally found out about this series from the television show that came out on the CW. I remember watching another TV show and then seeing the commercial advertising this new series coming out called Shadowhunters. I was immediately hooked and set the series to record. Once the date finally came around and i starts watching it I was so immersed into the whole idea of it all. The TV show itself production wise was not very impressive but for the most part I ignored that and watched for the story line after I fell in love with the characters and the romance and drama between them. I ended up finishing season one and was just left with such a cliffhanger that kept me wondering what the hell was going on (excuse my language). I knew I needed to find out and I couldn't wait as long as I was going to have to for the second season to come out. So I was reading around on blogs and other websites like this and found out there was a whole series and it had such an incredible fanbase. I wasn't ready to commit to the large 6 book series just yet though as I wasn't exactly in the reading mood. Because of this I opted for some juicy fanfic instead. Thinking just the fanfic could hold me off long enough till the next season was such a lie to myself. Don't get me wrong I love some of the fanfic that is published however I quickly began getting bored due to the fact that I had read just about anything I could find on the series. I was desperate at this point so I had purchased the first book in the series. I wasn't particularly initially that much looking forward to read the book I had in my hands; one it was huge for me, two I realized I would probably just be rereading and reliving the first season of the TV show that I just finished - BORRIINNGGGG. But man was I wrong. There were many slight variations that kept me engaged and once I got into the first book I was hooked enough to push through the obvious story TV show overlaps without many surprises. But once I passed the point in the books where the TV show left off there was no holding me back. I literally read non-stop any spare time I got and was constantly on a rollercoaster and getting shocked with the different plot twists that were revealed. By the time I was close to finishing the 6th book, I was worried that I would be viciously pulled out of my favorite new world left with nothing left in the world for me to ever enjoy reading again. But to my surprise Cassandra Clare did an AMAZING job slowly reassuring me as the story came to a close not leaving anything that would make me unhappy or unsettled at the end. She let me finish the book and feel at peace - not as if I were missing a new found part of myself or as if a void had been cut into my life.

Should You Read This Series?


Closing Notes:

Honestly these books were just so incredible and I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't convinced myself to pick them up and read them. They changed me as a person and really helped push me into the avid reader that I am today constantly trying out and buying new books. Cassandra Clare's book series The Mortal Instruments has helped me discover the generes and types of books I now love. That being Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Books involving angels and religion myths in history, and just incredible references to things like faries or warlocks, vampires, and werewolfs that I would have never pictured myself enjoying to read about in the first place.

Good Luck To You All on Your Reading Journeys, And Definitely Give This Series A Try; You Wont Be Sorry!

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